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Doula Stipend Program

The doula stipend program offers free doula services to low-income families who may not have sufficient funds to hire one. It's goal is to provide equal access to high-quality doula care regardless of ability to pay. 

Support we offer:

  •  Birth Doula Support 


How the program works:

  •  Apply to the program

  • Get approved to receive free doula services*

  • Review the list of participating GRDN doulas

  • Pick your doula

Who qualifies for a free doula?

Anyone who qualifes for WIC or other forms of assistance can apply for the Doula Stipend Program 

About the participating doulas:

As long as they adhere to the following terms, any doula who is a part of the Green River Doula Network can take part in this program. In exchange for services, Green River Doula Network will pay them a $1,000 stipend.​



  • Show proof of training

  • Provide a free consultation

  • Offer 2-3 prenatal appointments

  • Make arrangements for back-up doula support

If you are a Western Mass doula interested in taking part in this program,

apply to become a member today!

Apply to the doula stipend program

We will do our best to find you the support you need. If you are interested in accessing a doula through this program please fill out the form below.

Doula Stipend Program Form

*We are a small non-pofit organization and rely on donations to run this program. Therefore, we can only support a certain number of individuals/families per calendar year.

The Doula Stipend Program is currently on hold due to funding constraints. If you are in need of doula support, please visit our doula directory to find a doula who services your area. If you are having financial trouble affording a doula please reach out to us by email and we may be able to set you up with a volunteer doula or someone who offers sliding scale.


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© Green River Doula Network  | © Photography & Website Made By Grace Mackenzie Photography & Design. 

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